Subtitle: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets
Edition: 3rd Edition
Publisher: Modern History Press
ISBN: 978 1 -61599-600-1
Available on Amazon as a hardcover, paperback, e-book
Reviewed by C. Hope Clark, author of the Edisto series and Vine Reviewer
5.0 out of 5 stars An encyclopedic wealth of knowledge
Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2023
The Frugal Editor, 3rd Edition, just blew me away in its concentration of knowledge. It contains an incredible amount of teachings about how to manage a manuscript from the editing stage to the publishing stage. The book is a far cry from how to copyedit a story. Oh my goodness, it covers grammar, formatting, and tips and warnings about using which writing program, beta readers, hiring an editor, even covers. I have been in this business for 23 years, and I was dumbfounded at the little tricks, suggestions, and how-tos on so many topics. . . like MS Word, which I thought I knew everything about! Take it from someone who has traditionally published 17 novels . . . knowledge abounds in this book, and no author is too advanced to pick up this book and NOT glean something. I'm impressed . . . and I don't impress easily. Well done.
C. Hope Clark is the author of The Carolina Slade Mysteries, The Edisto Island Mysteries, and The Craven County Mysteries. She’s editor of FundsforWriters, one of the Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers and published in The Writer Magazine, Writer’s Digest, Guide to Literary Agents, Writer’s Market, and other trade and online publications.
Labels: author, author advocate, C. Hope Clark, Carolina Blade Mysteries, Crown CountyMysteries, Edisto Mysteries, FundsforWriters, Hope Clark, The Writer Magazine, Vine Reviewer, Writer's Digest Best Websites