TITLE OF YOUR BOOK: Tales2Inspire ~ The Diamond Collection Series II (a double header
combining all the stories published in the Ruby and Sapphire Collections)
NAME (AUTHOR OF BOOK): Anthology of short stories written both by Lois W. Stern (Publisher) and winning authors of her Tales2Inspire® contest)
GENRE OR CATEGORY: Anthology of Non-fiction, inspiring short stories
ISBN-10: 1507618050
ISBN-13: 978-1507618059
ASIN: B0186FC73S
FORMATS: Paperback, Kindle, PDF
In this latest of Lois W. Stern's Tales2Inspire books, we again get to know about the incredible resiliency of the human spirit, and the intricacies of the human mind. For those of us who find ourselves questioning the conditions of the world around us, (this book) gives hope. If it's time for you to find a peaceful place to nurture your own dreams, take comfort in this series.
REVIEWER’S BYLINE: Linda Maria Frank, Author of the Annie Tillery Mystery Series
Every day, we are deluged with stories of crimes, tragedy and natural disasters which tend to distort our perceptions of the true spirit inherent in humankind. In Tales2Inspire: The Diamond Collection, creator Lois W. Stern has offered a collection of stories which artfully demonstrate the courage and positive motivation of ordinary people. These ordinary people are sometimes placed in extraordinary circumstances which test their endurance and their willingness to stretch the limits of their knowledge and their skills. At other times, individuals are asked to believe the seemingly impossible as fate steps in to remediate past pain.
Most of the stories in both Part One and Part Two feature stories told for the lay person. They are believable and heartwarming. They speak of empathic concern for those less fortunate and of belief which propels an individual to seek the excellence within them. The collection is one which nudges the reader toward looking within and daring to take life not as it is wished for, but rather, as it is.
Lois W. Stern is a multi award-winning author whose work has been featured in The New York Times, Newsday, Barnard Magazine, on Local Access TV, and in live presentations in an assortment of varied venues. She has now published ten Tales2Inspire® books of her contest winners' stories. Fans of Chicken Soup for the Soul are particularly enamored of Tales2Inspire® books because, aside from their dynamic inspirational themes, they are filled with original photos to enhance the power of each story. Lois invites interested readers to get a FREE Tales2Inspire® sampler book at: www.tales2inspire.com/gifts and to learn more about entering the next Tales2Inspire contest at: https://tales2inspire.com/contest-2/.
She is also a regular contributor to this blog.
E-MAIL ADDRESS: tales2Inspire@optimum.net
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The New Book Review is blogged by Carolyn Howard-Johnson, author of the multi award-winning
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Labels: BookReview, BookReviews, ContestWinningStories, InspiringStories, LoisW.Sterm, Tales2InspireDiamondIICollection
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