Despite Surrounding Chaos, There Are Still Many Folks Who Live Lives Filled With Compassion. Are You One of Them?
Subtitle: Gifts of Compassion
Series: Tales2Inspire
Author and Editor: Lois W. Stern
Genre: Inspirational Anthology
Publisher: Tales2Inspire
ISBN-13: 978-1495940088
ISBN-10: 149594008X
Page Count: 129
Price: $11.25, PB, $4.99 Kindle
Format: Paperback, Ebook, PDF
Reviewed by Reviewed By Monique Franklin
Official Apex Reviews RatingOne need only observe the tenor of the current presidential election cycle, and it's obvious such qualities as sympathy, compassion, and understanding have quickly been replaced with intolerance, exclusion, and bigotry for many in our nation. Rather than be sympathetic with our fellow man or seek to find common ground with those from different backgrounds, the tendency now is to reach snap judgments and cast xenophobic aspersions on anyone who doesn't subscribe to our particular belief system. What is there to look forward to in a world growing so increasingly hostile and emotionally detached?
Enter Tales2Inspire ~ The Ruby Collection, a moving collection of stories compiled by editorLois W. Stern. Each of the stories featured in the collection is centered on the concept of compassion, which seems only fitting, considering the ruby is known to open the heart and promote loving relationships. The more salient stories of The Ruby Collection highlight the transformative power of self-sacrifice for the benefit of others, a trait we tend to see less and less in the modern reality TV era. Not just a human quality, The Ruby Collection also displays the ability of our furry and feathered friends to show compassion when needed, which leads one to question just how difficult it is for their human counterparts to do the same.
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Powerful and enthralling, the stories of The Ruby Collection do an inspiring job of conveying the best of what mankind has to offer. An uplifting addition to any reader's personal library.
Lois W. Stern is a former teacher. She is motivated to help other aspiring authors on their individual paths to discovery. She has published ten anthologies to date and earned two National Indie Excellence Awards.
On her site, a free ebook is available at to read sample stories. If you sign up for the newsletter, you will find out when she runs reduced book price specials, as well.
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