Title: Lost But Found
Subtitle: A Boy's Story of Grief and Recovery
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JUVENILE FICTION/Social Issues/Death & Dying |
| JUVENILE FICTION/Concepts/Body* |
Lost But Found: A Boy's Story of Grief and Recoverydeals with one of the toughest issues a parent may ever have to face--explaining to a child that a loved one has died. Often, to protect them, children are left out of the grieving process. This book allows adults to travel with a young boy as he works to make sense of his loss--and, in turn, their own.
I wrote this book to allow children to ask questions, and talk about their fears and feelings. What I have found is that often children have better insights on these hard life questions than the adults in the room!
Reviewed by Dr. Bob Rich
Lauren Persons is a grandmother who loves all children (one of my mob). One of her sources of distress is empathy for all the kids in the world who have lost loved ones to this devious virus, with little end in sight. So, she has written a book for them.
I have tears in my eyes as I am writing this review.
This is as much thanks to the beautiful illustrations by Noah Hrbek as to the beautiful, simple words of a loving mother and grandmother. This little book is perfect for small children who have suffered the loss of a parent. Sadly, in our world, riddled by COVID, insane gun violence, and the increase in terrible weather events due to climate change, deaths in the family are far more common than they should be.
However, Lost but Found will also be excellent for little children who are not grieving, because it teaches empathy and compassion.
And it is even excellent for old grandfathers like me.
Do yourself a favour and buy a copy for a small child in your life.
More About the Author
Indeed, William Shakespeare was right when he said, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” Lauren’s rich and varied roles as actor, director, playwright, teacher, poet, wife, mother, grandmother have all contributed to the role of writer and now author of Lost But Found, a children’s book to help parents and children come to grips with the death of a loved one.
About the Reviewer
Dr. Bob Rich wishes he was a psychopath. It would be SO wonderful to be unaffected by the sufferings of others! Alas, this is not to be, so he does the next best thing and uses his writing to reduce suffering. You can assess his effectiveness at his popular blog, Bobbing Around, which hides at
https://bobrich18.wordpress.comOh his recent books, “Hit and Run” shows the power of unconditional acceptance in changing a mass murderer into a boy you wouldn’t mind dating your daughter; "From Depression to Contentment: A self-therapy guide” delivers what its title claims; “Sleeper, Awake” shows you our future in 1500 years’ time; “Lifting the Gloom” is a collection of short stories and essays that will make your world a better place; and coming in September is “Maraglindi: Guardian spirit,” which takes you to mid-19th Century Australia through the eyes of a little girl born to make all of us into better people.
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