SERIES TITLE: Tales2Inspire
AUTHOR: Anthology of authors of contest winning inspiring stories
GENRE: Inspirational, non-fiction personal stories
PUBLISHER: Independently Published
REVIEWED BY: Ellen Lenox Smith
Feel Inspired and Add A Smile to your Day
If you want to have a reason to smile, feel inspired, and be in awe, read these true stories of inspiration and adventure in this series. You will not regret the time it takes to read and enjoy these stories that will impress you and bring joy to your heart.
Reviewed by Ellen Lenox Smith for
About the reviewer:
Ellen Lenox Smith has emerged as a leading voice for patients living with pain in Rhode Island. Featured in local and national press accounts, Mrs. Smith brings a reasoned and compassionate perspective to the need for safe patient access to medicine. Mrs. Smith suffers from two rare conditions. One is a degenerative collagen disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. This crippling disease allows her joints to become easily subluxed, causing vice-like pain and that confined her for four years in a wheelchair. In 2006, she was accepted into the Connective Tissue Research at the National Institute of Health to help search for a cure to Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Her second condition is called sarcoidosis, which has allowed enlarged lymph nodes and granulomas in her lungs. Both these conditions are presently not curable. She presently has endured twenty-seven surgeries and countless visits to her doctors. Mrs. Smith has enjoyed a long and distinguished career, predominantly in the field of education. The last position she had before needing to resign, due to health, was teaching middle school social studies. Presently, she is a Rhode Island ambassador for the US Pain Foundation as the Co-Director for Cannabis Advocacy, on the board of both the US Pain Foundation and the Rhode Island Patient Advocacy Coalition (RIPAC) as media coordinator, appointed by the governor to the ATEL Program, (Adaptive Telephone Equipment Loan Program), is appointed on the Medical Cannabis Oversight Committee representing patients, helps with media exposure for the five-year-old EDS RI Support group and brings in speakers to educate the group and recently was selected to represent patients on the Oversight Panel in RI that will oversee the medical marijuana program. She was a staff writer for National Pain Report and 1000 WATTS Magazine before their shut down, was a former staff writer for Pain News Network and with her husband, speaks out to educate others about her condition and pain management. Some places she has spoken to are the FDA, Brown Medical students, Blue Cross nurses, and physical therapy students in RI and Ct along with speaking at the EDS national conferences. She is also the author of two books: It Hurts Like Hell!: I Live With Pain-- And Have A Good Life Anyway and My Life as a Service Dog! Mrs. Smith is a resident of Scituate, Rhode Island with her husband, Stuart. They have been married for 49 years! They are proud parents of four adult children and three grandsons and two granddaughters. Ellen is also an organic gardener and prior to her disability, was a master swimmer and high school swim coach.
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